Pianta il rosmarino nella tua stanza: sollievo dal dolore alla fibromialgia Consigli .condividi articolo

Conosciamo tutti il ​​rosmarino come un’erba culinaria comune usata per arrostire il pollo. Ma usare semplicemente il rosmarino per il suo sapore è una vergogna imbarazzante per l’antica erba medicinale. Gli attributi medicinali del rosmarino furono scoperti già nell’antica Grecia. Durante allora, Studenti o studenti greci indossavano una corona di rosmarino in testa quando hanno scoperto che il rosmarino può aiutare nelle…

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Friendships that fade when you are chronically ill ,,,

Living with chronic back pain has been a challenge to say the least. Then discovering that I was extremely exhausted and my body physically hurt and hurt so badly because I have fibromyalgia was devastating for me to understand and eventually learn to live with, I am still learning. It is moments like this that we need our loved ones a…

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Exercise away from your fibromyalgia pain

Exercise is very powerful. It is said that a medication that improves our health as much as exercise does would simply be the best of all. However, if you have fibromyalgia, moving your body a few days is a great job. However, fibromyalgia expert Kim Dupree Jones, RN, PhD, a professor in the nursing school at Oregon Health and Science University…

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Brain scans suggest that the pain of fibromyalgia is not imaginary

Recent research reveals that people with fibromyalgia have widespread inflammation in the brain. “Finding an objective neurochemical change in the brain of people who are used to being told that their problems are imaginary is quite important,” explained the study’s lead author, Marco Loggia. He is associate director of the Center for Integrative Pain Neuroimaging at Harvard Medical School. The new…

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19 ‘scary’ parts of fibromyalgia that we do not speak

When most people hear the word “fibromyalgia,” they can immediately associate it with some of the physical symptoms, such as chronic pain, fatigue, or brain fog. But, as those with fibro know, the condition is complex and can affect your life in many different ways. One of the many side effects that fibro can cause is fear. Living with an unpredictable chronic condition…

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How to Lose Weight When You Have Fibromyalgia

Losing weight with fibromyalgia can be a struggle, but it does not have to be. In the United States, there are at least five million adults battling the debilitating disease of fibromyalgia. Many of these patients are also overweight or obese. Often, being overweight or obese is a symptom of the disease itself. In other words, the chronic pain, muscle aches and…

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Lady Gaga and life with fibromyalgia.

The only thing that can really irritate Lady Gaga is that people do not believe that the pain of their fibromyalgia is real. “People need to be more compassionate,” he told Vogue in an interview. With a successful film and soundtrack for  A Star Is Born  and the premiere on Friday of a two-year Las Vegas show, Enigma, it’s hard to imagine…

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Discover the true cause of fibromyalgia … please share this information

Fibromyalgia is still today those diseases that keep the scientific community (and particularly medical professionals) in constant confrontation. Most of all, because some believe (including me) that it is a real physical illness, but there are still many professionals who claim that it is a psychological illness and that pain is in the mind. Now, finally, a study shows us…

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Why does fibromyalgia cause neck pain?

Coping with neck pain fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia is a pain in the neck, literally. While it is known to cause pain throughout the body, neck pain from fibromyalgia seems to be a common complaint for many people. Is there any reason why our necks are more susceptible to pain? If that is the case, what can we do to get relief? Why does…

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