Stress is the biggest problem in people affected by fibromyalgia!

Everyone is under stress in their lives. Stress is something everyone knows and is considered part of life. You can not have enough money, problems with marriage or children, etc. It could be anything. People with fibromyalgia have a high level of stress. Everyone knows about stress that is a silent killer. The symptoms and side effects of stress can cause a heart attack, heart…

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‘Our Pain Is Invisible But We’re Not’

By Kristen Mascia Consider for a moment the womenin your life who regularly grit their teeth through pain. Your old college roommate who was knocked flat by migraines. The friend who cancels plans because of her nightmarish cramps from fibroids. The running buddy whose relentless backaches have sidelined her from your weekly jogs. Women are taught that suffering (periods, childbirth, sore…

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Behind the rhinestones, sequins, sexy outfits and red carpets sometimes hide terrible suffering.

Behind the rhinestones, sequins, sexy outfits and red carpets sometimes hide terrible suffering. To explain the cancellation of her European tour, the American singer Lady Gaga revealed suffering from fibromyalgia, a disease that affects about 4% of the world’s population, 80% of whom are women. Before her, it was the actor Morgan Freeman who had openly declared having to deal with “an evil…

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